Big Rat Studio, Hastings
6 - 30 Sept ‘22

‘Foreshore’ is a collection of sculptures made from cast pewter. The constructed terrains are made from objects found on the Thames foreshore including various animal teeth, bones and shells. The artist also included casts of her own teeth and fingers to display her sense of connection to the foreshore. Much like the mud of the Thames preserving these objects for hundreds of years, this project is investigating another way to preserve these forms. The work is made from a variety of casting and pouring methods. The sculptures are accompanied by rings made from silver using the lost wax method. This piece links to the idea of artistic labour in the way that the materials are in a constant cycle of being reused. It has the property of being melted down and transformed into something new and has seen many previous forms. The pewter used for this sculpture has been re formed many times by the artist before settling into this current state.

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Copyright Katya Rogers 2023